Plug your sponsors whenever you can

This blog entry is really just a shameless plug for a sponsor of the Go-o-o-oalrilla Classic.

This past weekend, ABC’s Good Morning America did a five minute segment on supermarkets and featured Jungle Jim’s almost exclusively (Stew Leonard’s and Wegmans also got a plug). Jungle Jim’s sponsors the Go-o-o-oalrilla Classic in Miamitown, Ohio (West Cincinnati).

You can see the video here or read the story here.

Why am I telling you this? Why would I not! A sponsor of a one of our tournaments just got five whole minutes on a national news show! Anyone who has ever tried to get press for their business knows how hard this is to achieve. I will tell everyone I know, including people with and without media connections. They will watch the video or read the story and they will tell more people. Pretty soon, Jungle Jim’s will not only be seen as that wonderful, wacky grocery store but they will also be seen as the community-based business who gives back to their community. As studies show, there just is no greater marketing ROI than when you have penetrated the hearts of your community. Youth sports is the expressway with built-in on ramps to the community.

Our Advice: If you have a sponsor of your event, watch the news, read the newspapers, get plugged in. And, when you see your sponsor gets some press, shout it out to everyone you know! Be proud of your sponsor’s success because their success is yours. And be sure to drop them a quick email or personal note of congratulations.

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