In addition to our blog, we make documents such as white papers, our marketing materials, etc available for download.
Social Media Guide for Soccer Tournament Directors
We wrote the book on soccer tournament social media; literally! The Game Through Glass; Playing your sports tournament on social media (Available at the NSCAA Booth #208 and on Amazon, Jan 2016)
Grandma and grandpa want to see their grandson Billy play in his first away soccer tournament. How will they find the right field and times Billy plays?
Fortunately, Billy's coach applied to a TourneyCentral soccer tournament so finding all this information was easy.
Billy's grandma went to the website, clicked on Schedules, found Billy's team name and got his schedule in seconds.
Marcy has just been named her club's soccer tournament director. She searches for the best solution to help her manage all the tasks that go along with hosting a soccer tournament.
Help Manual
Our on-line help manual is organized by module as well as popular “How do I…” questions. We update it whenever we update the software.
Our newsletter is distributed to the primary contact regularly on an irregular schedule and includes information to help you run your modern tournament. If you want to see what you missed, check out the archive below.
The Archive
Blog, The Touchline
We write about evergreen as well as contemporary issues with running a soccer tournament. Check it out!
The Touchline