TICO Score dips toe in the soccer tournament ranking pool

With a short post on Back of the Net, Larry Miller let the cat out of the bag on TICO Score. Yes, folks it is coming and it will be insanely great.

In short, Larry’s post was:

For a few months BOTN has been telling you that a superior tournament ranking system to the one currently in place will be coming. BOTN is happy to be able to give you the first look to TICO scores, a system for ranking tournaments without the influence of advertising, or ownership of rankings by tournaments.

Independent, free of politics, honest.

The scoring analogy of TICO scores is your FICO Credit Score. It has a base number and a ceiling number. It can go up or down depending on your credit performance. TICO scores works the same way.

Parents/Player and Coaches will be the people evaluating your tournament. If they have good things to say your score goes up and if not it goes down. No outside influence from sponsors, friends, etc… Just your input from a detailed on-line form.

BOTN is excited to give our community a first look at TICO scores. The links at the the top of the page are hot to help you navigate. Please understand the complete TICO Score website will not be ready for another month or two.

So, just keep watching for the latest TICO Score news.

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